Sorry about the last post being a while ago, it has taken time to start writing again and keeping this blog up to date with moving to Scotland, settling in to my accommodation, getting to grips with the course and obviously the amount of course having to be done.
Having decided that I wanted to study for a masters degree I fortunately was accepted to the University of Edinburgh to do an MSc in Sound Design. So far the course has been everything I had wanted it to be.
Learning new techniques, new programs, new inspirations & most importantly new ways in which sound can be used not only in movies, films & games (visual media) but how it can be used to improve everyday life. Most of us do not give much attention to sound everyday unless something unexpected happens which we then take notice, crossing the road, using our phones etc. All of these things and many more have been designed in a certain way in order for us to take notice that slowly slips into our subconscious like looking both ways before crossing the road... it is an automatic thing that I do without even thinking about it. Speaking to friends in my class they have said that they have found it difficult to adjust to these situations because they are from countries where people drive on the opposite side of the road. Instead of looking right first they now have to look right unless they want to get run over.
Sorry to get of topic there, I thought it was just a little amusing story! Talking about how things have been designed in order to grab our attention, these things are known as Earcons. Earcons are a brief, yet distinctive sound used to portray an event or specific information. Most notably Earcons or Auditory Icons are used in computers such as on an Apple Mac dragging a file to dust bin we get a rubbish type sound. The most important aspects of these sounds are to signify that something has occurred.... an action has taken place. If we look in the outside world Earcons are there in order to instigate an action or to confirm it has taken place. For example beeping when it is safe to cross the road or when at the check out and scanning your food a beep signifies the product has successfully been scanned and added to your bill.
Sorry this has been a short post it has been difficult fitting this in to my new schedule, where work of various verities keeps piling up. I will try to post more often and keep the blog updated about new concepts, ideas, programs & work.